Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Title - "Undecided"
Synopsis - A heart wrenching adventure about 6 friends who overcame all odds to achieve the one thing that they truly believed in.

Main Characters - AM, RT, AX, BR, JB, AD

Map -
The grasshopper - Kallimist, White Widow, Jack Herrer
Babylonia - Afghan Kush
The Doors - Super Silver Haze, Morrison Haze, Lemon Haze ( personal favourite )
Internet Coffee Shop - Amnesia ( the name stands vindicated )

Quintessential Drink promoted by the characters - Looza ( comes in all fruit flavours. personal favourite - strawberry delight )

How it all began - AM, RT and AX had caught the flight from Newcastle to Amsterdam. When they landed at the airport, BR was already there and waiting for them at the exit. And thus began the legendary trip.
After a brief confusion about how to commute to the hostel, caught the train and headed off to Bob's Youth Hostel.
It was quite a surprise to find that in the entire amsterdam, the place we had selected to stay at, was at the gay locality. Thinking in retrospect, it could probably be that Bob assumed that since 6 dudes who were about 25/26 years old had requested for a separate room at the hostel, they were probably gays. And this could be the reason why he allotted us rooms at that particular building.
Wasting no time after arrival, we made some small enquiries about which were the best coffee shops in amsterdam and the name grasshopper sounded good and familiar. And moreover, it was right next to where we were staying.
We hit grasshopper and the employees were really friendly ( They are stoners. what else do you expect ? )
We told the guy at the counter "We don't know the names. We just want the best weed"
The guy asked us "Have you guys smoked before or is this your first time?"
We replied "We smoke on a very regular basis."
He turns and goes through various boxes and stuff, and takes one out. The box is labelled "Kallimist"
He said "The best stuff. Here. smell it" and he opens the box and pushes it to us.
We took turns and took in the glorious smell. We could actually see crystals on the leaves. We bought two grams of it, and the guy at the counter rolled a joint for us.
We sat at a table, and lit the joint. The rest as they say, is history. And a bit fuzzy too, considering the amount we smoked. But here are some brief excerpts.
____________________________________________________________ Pieces of wisdom -
AD - "When you master the cycle lanes, you master Amsterdam"
AM- "The solution to all your text related issues - 'lol :P'. Text that and the person receiving it is totally confused. No one has any idea what that means. "
Snapshots from the book -
At the 11th hour, AM says -"There is always the reset button dude.."
AX is confused about what that means - "What's the reset button?"
AM gives an evil laugh and says "RJ"
____________________________________________________________ BR to AX - "What do you think? The birds in Europe are smarter than the birds in India?"
____________________________________________________________ AX, was staring at the cloud formations - "Doesn't that look like a greek god about to kiss a beautiful princess?"
AM in an uncontrollable state of laughter looked at BR and was like "This guy is painkili dude"
____________________________________________________________ AX after coming from the loo, is really pissed ( no pun intended )- "Why the fuck didn't any of you assholes who went in earlier warn me that the door handle is broken and would come off??"
JB in the most matter-of-fact tone -"Dude that's how you lock the door.."
AX though for a few seconds and then "ohh...that makes sense.."
____________________________________________________________ AX to AD -"Dude, why cant we have the kebab while walking back"
AD - "This kebab will make you sit down. It deserves respect."
____________________________________________________________ RT got up from the ground and literally shook off the leaves and twigs from his clothes and then said "No wonder the dogs always do this. It works"
____________________________________________________________ JB looked all intense and inspirational and looked at AX and said "Do you want to be the pussy who stood down and didn't want to come, when we went for this epic ride??"
AX looked at the ride once more and in a very calm manner said -"I am OK with being the pussy."
____________________________________________________________ We were back in the room and talking about the most irrelevant things on the planet -
"Random talk"
"grr...." *
"Random talk"
"grrrrrr...." *
"Random talk"
"Grrrrrrrr.." *
RT - "Guys...stop..listen..listen.."
RT - "We are fucked.."

* - BR snoring
____________________________________________________________ Before starting, all the characters were discussing how to go about the trip,
AX - "Every man for himself and those who stay behind are left behind"
JB - "People, in case any of us get lost, just get to Dam Square somehow and then you can figure out the way home from there"
RT was a bit worried and said to AX - "I don't think I know the way home from there either."
____________________________________________________________ Everyone wanted to smoke a cigarette and no one wanted to get up and enquire whether smoking is allowed. Finally, AX after some convincing from AM, decided to do it and went up the stairs, found the guy at the counter and ensured that smoking is allowed.
He came back and then asked AM for a smoke,
AM searched his pockets for sometime, gave the 'I am sorry' smile and said - "I forgot to check whether the supply would meet the demand."
____________________________________________________________ AM asked JB - "Dude, how was your trip ?"
JB replied - "It was like a postcard coming to life dude."
____________________________________________________________ AX to BR - "Dude which song is this"
BR -"whha3$aaa&%tt"
BR actually slept off while in the process of turning his head and asking "what". true story
____________________________________________________________ AX and AM went shopping to buy something to drink. They got to the drinks section with a massive choice of fruit drinks, smoothies and shakes. Everything looked so fresh and pure. They stared at the sight for a few seconds and then looked at each other
AM - "Everything looks so fresh dude"
AX - "yeah dude...lets go find where they keep the fake stuff"
AM - "yup...lets get out of here"
____________________________________________________________ Two girls were playing football and AX was staring at them
JB - "Dude..stop drooling over the hot girls"
AX - "Man..I was just looking at how they are playing football..Look at how precise their passes are...looks like they are really skilled"
AM turns, looks at them for a second and says "yup..hes checkin out the girls.."
____________________________________________________________ AX, AM and BR were spending the last few hours in the coffee shop and AX was happily tripping while AM and BR were discussing something.
Then AM calls AX and says "Dude..did you notice how RT was quiet all the while in Amsterdam"
AX - "Yea..what happened"
AM - "Do you know why?"
AX - "No. Tell me.. why??"
AM - "Matters of the heart dude...Matters of the heart"

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